Your financial institution has made the wise decision to let you keep some of your own money. How? By giving you access to more ATMs and fewer fees. Alliance One, founded in 1998, is a nationwide cooperative group of credit unions, community banks and thrifts that have joined forces to let their cardholders access each others' ATMs all over America without having to pay?ATM surcharge fees. That cooperative spirit not only gives you more convenient ATMs to choose from, it also leaves that extra $2.00 where it should be - in your account. Look for the blue and white Alliance One logo on ATMs or use our ATM Locator to find a convenient ATM nearby. ? Not all Alliance One ATMs may be accessible to every cardholder. Be sure to match a network logo (i.e. STAR, Plus, Cirrus) on the back of your ATM card with a logo on the ATM. Also, fees assessed by your financial institution to access an ATM may still apply. For questions about your ATM card, participating ATM networks and ATM surcharges, contact your financial institution. To learn more, visit our frequently asked questions (FAQ) page. |